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Find Your Path with a Heart

School for becoming a master of
your everyday life.
Making your life better takes effort.
We will guide you through small steps toward
bigger change.

Why join .Contriber?

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Marec Herman

Our reading group meetings give me great ideas, inspiration, and motivation. It makes me grateful to Rein and our other reading group members, and I look forward to the next meetings and school events.


I am very glad that Rein invited me to .Contriber School.

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Piret Pall

The school and the teachings provide very valuable knowledge and tools about people and relationships.


It is very supportive to regularly meet people with a similar worldview, have discussions about the world, share experiences, read books together, discuss the concepts, and how to integrate these into my life.


Accountability groups have been created in order to realize own goals. There my responsibility partners support me to stay on track – it is easier to give up alone but together we can go further.


Mariann Vahi

For me, .Contriber and the Path of Knowledge is a way of living. I used to look at myself as a victim in my relationships, at my job and by life in general.

Joining this community I started uncovering ME and LIFE step by step. The teachings give my life structure and foundation to look at life's pain and pleasures as a gift to grow and expand my potential.

I can feel safe and trust life in the most adventurous way showing all the colors and excitement it has to offer.

Methods used in .Contriber


Mentoring - 1-on-1 mentoring gives you clarity how the Path of Knowledge teachings apply to your life. A mentor helps you to find personalised tasks for self-commitment.


Reading Group - bi-weekly gathering where our members study and share their thoughts on the teachings through reading.


Accountability Group - weekly meetings between members are there to keep everyone on track with practical tasks and assist each other in the journey of self-discovery.

Masterclass - 4-day course where we share theory, practical tools and evoke experiences necessary to transform your personality in the context of your daily life.


Challenge group - we focus on your personal challenges and find answers to questions that are not visible at first.


Warrior's Game - an all year round fun and adventurous game for advanced learners that culminates with Warrior's Retreat in the month of July.

School levels



Reading group


+ additional options:

Accountability group 75 €


Masterclass 855 €


Challenge group 410 €


1on1 mentoring 1x 155 €

36 €/month


Reading group

Accountability group 4x


Masterclass 1x

125 €/month

annual subscription


Reading group

Accountability group 4x


Masterclass 1x


Challenge group 2x


1on1 mentoring  6x

250 €/month

annual subscription

Want to Learn More About Us?


We are happy to introduce you to our school and our process for self-discovery.

Mission of .Contriber

We want to show the middle path which goes between daily practical life and esoteric depths. It is not difficult to get yourself busy with all the tasks and responsibilities we have in our families, work place, hobbies and communities.

You can also find ways how to be in balance and inner silence once you retreat to live in the countryside and dedicate yourself to some form of meditation.

However we want to show that you do not need to be in the woods to practice spiritual techniques and that you could enjoy life to its fullest by being engaged with passion in materializing your dreams and through that build a connection with your higher self.

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